
Here are a couple of details regarding the development of this library. Contributions are more than welcome!

Please see Setup for developers on how to set up the library for development.

Using bumpversion

bumpversion allows to update the library version consistently over all files. Please do not change the version manually, but use the following steps instead after a pull request has been merged into the master branch. Depending on the amount of changes, choose accordingly from:

  • patch = +0.0.1
  • minor = +0.1.0
  • major = +1.0.0

Execute the following commands:

pip install --upgrade bumpversion
git checkout master
git pull
bumpversion patch # adjust accordingly
git push origin master --tags

The files in which the versions are updated as well as the current version can be found in the .bumpversion.cfg. You need appropriate rights for the repository to be able to push the tag.

Uploading to PyPI

Once a new version has been tagged, the package should be uploaded to the Python Package Index (PyPI). For the markdown formatting to work, twine>=1.11.0 is required. Execute the following commands to create a source distribution and upload it:

python sdist bdist_wheel
pip install -U twine
twine upload --repository-url dist/*

This uploads to the PyPI test server. Mind that you need to have an account for both the test and the production servers.

Install the package for testing:

pip install --index-url hepdata_lib

If everything is fine, upload to the production server:

twine upload dist/*

You should then find the new version at this location. You need to be a maintainer of the project for this to work. For more details please see the python packaging documentation.